SUGUK - Nottingham SharePoint On-Premises vs. Cloud – Facilitated Discussion

Thanks to everyone who attended last Thursday's (24th October 2013) session. Some great debate and myths discussed. A big thank you to those who travelled from far away to come along and participate in the session which makes it all worthwhile.

In brief, the feedback I received from the session was that if you client / company isn't ready to go cloud then make sure to focus on developing On-Premises solutions to work in Office 365 to avoid later needing to re-engineer.

A great article has just been published called
'Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Platform Options
What BDMs and architects need to know about Office 365, Windows Azure, and on-premises deployments' and this can be downloaded here:

A question was raised as to any details regarding Social and in particular Yammer. Another article regarding Social called: 'Social feature support for SharePoint Server 2013' can be found here: with additional information regarding Yammer and SharePoint here:

I hope the information above is useful and look forward to seeing you / presenting at future events.

Thanks again for supporting the SUGUK community!